Consciousness Modulation
The objective of this line of research is to analyze those elements of biological reality that can develop and/or modulate consciousness.
The first question that is addressed from this perspective is how does consciousness develop, at the level of the organism and at the social level? Undoubtedly, research in this line will require evaluating the relationship between memory, as representations of past experiences, and consciousness, as representations of present experiences, emotions (as modulating components of the strength of such representations), and the perception of such present experiences (as processing of information at the neurophysiological level). In particular, this last element will be further developed in another line of research: Perception.
The second question that emerges from this line of research is what are the elements of biological reality (including the social and cultural level) that modulate consciousness, whether they inhibit or constitute part of its development?. Under this objective, the role of the media, social networks, advertising, etc. will be evaluated in order to form a certain consciousness of reality, but it will also extend to blocks of information, such as theories, religions, ideologies, etc. The decision-making process during an electoral process will also be evaluated, with the aim of highlighting the strategies of political parties (and their alliances with the media) to induce certain decisions over others. This will make it possible to address the issue of cognitive biases, developed by hegemonic ways of modulating mass consciousness.
Currently, within the framework of this question, we are developing an interdisciplinary project to evaluate how complex decision making is in an electoral process:
Finally, as a necessary detachment from the last question addressed concretely to the process of working class consciousness to transform its reality as a class, we will investigate What particular (ontological) particularities does class consciousness have? What hegemonic mechanisms exist to dynamite this consciousness? and What elements intrinsic and extrinsic to the working class lead to the bureaucratization of its political organizations? Here we will try to analyze how the social organization of subjects imprints its own characteristics on their consciousness (both from the individual and the social subject's point of view): the working class), which can be externally (or internally to the class) modulated to dilute these particularities within other general characteristics (such as the national being, citizenship, etc), and finally if there is any equivalence between the bureaucratization of the trade union organizations and the Workers' State, in order to extract those elements proper to the class, such as the external conditions, which constitute the substratum for the development of such bureaucratization, and therefore, establish the limits of social transformation.